Settings ======== There are multiple settings available to edit properties of the upload (see table below). They can be given to any :py:class:`astrometry_net_client.settings.Settings` using the following code: .. code-block:: python from astrometry_net_client import Settings s = Settings() # Replace 'option_keyword' with the option and 'value' with the value you want s.option_keyword = value The most useful options are related to the scale of the image (``scale_*``) and the coordinates associated with the center of the image (``center_ra``, ``center_dec`` and ``radius``). The scale options are not straightforward, so there are some helper functions to make setting these options easier: - :py:func:`astrometry_net_client.settings.Settings.set_scale_estimate` - :py:func:`astrometry_net_client.settings.Settings.set_scale_range` Examples ******** For all the below examples, we assume the variable ``settings`` is the ``Settings`` object. 1. We know the plate scale of our CCD (it is 0.566 arcseconds per pixel). We can set this information like this: .. code-block:: python settings.set_scale_estimate(0.566, 10, unit="arcsecperpix") Setting this, constraints the search space of Astrometry to only 0.566 +- 10%. Instead of setting a percentage around the value, we can also give it a manual range of +- 0.005 around the central value: .. code-block:: python settings.set_scale_range(0.561, 0.571, unit="arcsecperpix") 2. We took images of M51, so we approximately know the coordinates of the central pixels are around (ra, dec) 13h 29m 52.7s, +47° 11′ 43″. We first need to convert this to degrees: (202.47, 47.20). We also need to specify a radius of uncertainy in which to search, and to be safe we set it to 1 degree (this depends on the FoV of your telescope). Note, that we always need to specify all three options for the settings to apply! .. code-block:: python settings.center_ra = 202.47 # degrees settings.center_dec = 47.20 # degrees settings.radius = 1 # degree Table of Settings ***************** These are the direct arguments which can be passed to the API, for a complete description of them see .. list-table:: Settings :header-rows: 1 * - Option Keyword - Type - Constraint * - ``scale_units`` - str - Must be one of: 'degwidth', 'arcminwidth', 'arcsecperpix' * - ``scale_type`` - str - Must be one of: 'ul', 'ev' * - ``scale_lower`` - float - * - ``scale_upper`` - float - * - ``scale_est`` - float - * - ``scale_err`` - float - Must be in range [0.0, 100.0] * - ``center_ra`` - float - Degrees: Must be in range [0.0, 360.0] * - ``center_dec`` - float - Degrees: Must be in range [-90.0, 90.0] * - ``radius`` - float - Degrees * - ``downsample_factor`` - float - Must be greater or equal to 1 * - ``tweak_order`` - int - * - ``use_sextractor`` - bool - * - ``crpix_center`` - bool - * - ``parity`` - int - Must be one of 0, 1, 2 * - ``image_width`` - int - * - ``image_height`` - int - * - ``positional_error`` - float - * - ``allow_commercial_use`` - str - Must be one of: 'd', 'y', 'n' * - ``allow_modifications`` - str - Must be one of: 'd', 'y', 'n', 'sa' * - ``publicly_visible`` - str - Must be: 'y' or 'n'